Guest Room WIFI Card - Free Printables

Whether you host the occasional guest or enjoy monthly visits from your Mother-in-Law, it's great to have your guest bedroom outfitted for maximum comfort. We host friends and family on what seems like a monthly basis and we used to have to remember to mention the WIFI network and password. No more! I created these guest room WIFI cards to frame and set next to my little bundle of guest room accoutrements: magazines, alarm clock, flowers, etc.

Please use these to make your guest room WIFI friendly and let your guests know you have their every need on your radar. I've created 2 versions of my guest room WIFI cards. You'll find a square version and a rectangular version so you can choose which style better matches your room design.

Here is an assortment of frames I found to mount your WIFI card. Remember you can use either a table top frame or hang on the wall in an easy to see and discover location. Try the bedside or near the door.

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Guest Room Wifi Printables

Guest Room Wifi Printables - Square

guest room wifi card - free printable


Guest Room Wifi Printables - Rectangular

guest room wifi card - free printable


guest bedroom wifi card printable




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