How to Plant a Giving Victory Garden with Kids

How to Plant a Giving Victory Garden with Kids

The origin of Victory Gardens during WWI and WWII is one of community, war effort support and a morale booster to those who while at home were able to do something to support troops overseas.

A new take on a Victory Garden can be one that support community closer to home.

We can call it a Giving Garden, but it's truly a victory for any family or individual who creates a garden to support the hunger in their neighborhood.

overhead photo of a small garden bed

Victory Garden Materials

Here's a short primer on creating your own Victory Giving Garden with your little troops.

Start with a visit to your wood stock, local lumber yard or home improvement center.

You'll need 3 2"x4" boards that are 8 feet long.

If you're purchasing, have one board cut in half to use in your bed.

Get home and screw corners together to make an 8'x4' bed to place in your yard.

Next, you'll prep the soil in your new veggie patch area.

Get the kiddos out turning over soil with trowels and their little hands to help in the work.

Once you've amended your soil with nutrients and have gotten it turned over and loose, it will be easy to dig and plant.

Plan your plant placement paying attention to growth size and giving each plant enough room to thrive.

Dig in and plant away.

Photo of red trowel in small garden bed

Have your kids create plant signs so they'll enjoy knowing that the corn and peas are growing.

Tend the garden each day and by mid-summer you'll have a nice variety of plants to harvest.

Eat what you like and deliver a weekly basket of produce to your local food bank.

Invite friends and neighbors to do the same and create a Neighborhood Victory Giving Garden that all can tend.

Watch as your little green thumbs grow with confidence and pride when they learn to garden and help others.


Victory Giving Garden Printable with Instructions

Print out my easy to follow guide for planting your own victory giving garden for kids.

Victory Giving Garden for Kids Printable (PDF)

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