DIY Baby's Birth Announcement Ornament
DIY Baby's Birth Announcement Ornament
What's more special than celebrating baby's first Christmas? Not much! Here's a fun way to capture the first year for posterity with a baby's birth announcement ornament for the Christmas tree and years to come. These make the sweetest gifts for friends and family and cost near nothing. Depending on the size and style of your baby's birth announcement you can include text or not. You will want to use a mason jar lid that works best with your design whether small or large.
Here's what you'll need for your Baby's Birth Announcement Ornament
- Birth announcement
- Mason jar lid
- Ribbon
- Scissors
- Pen - I used a silver Sharpie to trace my circle and use the silver to touch up the backside of my mason jar top
- Glue gun/glue
- Ornament hook or paper clip to hang
Here's how you'll make Baby's Birth Announcement Ornament
Start by setting up your crafting station and plugging in your glue gun.
Now trace the top of the mason jar onto the back of your baby birth announcement and cut it out.
Slide the card into the mason jar lid or trim as needed.
Take the birth announcement back out and dot glue to the back of the mason jar lid and slide birth announcement back in and set aside to dry firmly.
Tie a bow, trim the ends and glue to the top of your mason jar lid.
Add your hook and hang on your tree for a sweet and unique ornament to cherish for many years to come.
Did you make a Baby's Birth Announcement Ornament for yourself or a friend? Share it with us when you tag #satsumasmiles. Enjoy!