Ask These 5 Questions to Write an Inspiring Mission Statement
Ask These 5 Questions to Write an Inspiring Mission Statement
No matter the size of the enterprise - solo, pair, team - guidance by an inspiring mission statement is an essential guide to success.
When you ask these 5 questions to write an inspiring mission statement you will be well poised to plan the strategy and tactics necessary to reach the mission's goal.

Time Tools
I've recently doubled down on time mapping my projects to better monitor where my time is being spent. I want to give you the same benefit.
I find that when I know how long something will take me - even a ballpark - I am more likely to get to it and engage.
I think asking these five questions to write an inspiring mission statement should take 25 minutes.
I use the Pomodoro method in much of my work setting a 25 minute timer using this timer here.
To set yourself up for success, click the timer link and begin after you've gathered your note taking supplies.
Let's have some fun!

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Ask These 5 Questions to Write an Inspiring Mission Statement
Beginning to frame a mission statement for your organization can feel daunting, but doesn't have to.
I've set down 5 questions that will be relatively easy to answer and give you a mission statement formula in which to plug in your responses.
I'm going to share the five questions and then invite you to engage in an exercise to get your creativity flowing.
After each question, you will see the word Exercise and then a simple task to complete.
Right now, grab a piece of scratch paper or your daily notebook or planner and a pen or pencil.
OR, download and print my handy mission statement worksheet here.

With these simple tools at hand you will be able to easily participate in the exercises below.
Now, let's start with a soft ball.
1. Who are you?
This can be as simple as your business name, group's name or your own name.
It can also be a reflective response that carries a descriptor.
Adjective + Noun | Example: hard-working baking company, seasoned catering business, passionate artist, etc.
Exercise | Jot down 5-10 ways to describe who you are. Example: baker, business owner, entrepreneur, creative, Susie's Bakery, etc.
2. What do you do?
What do you provide your customers, whomever they may be?
Verb + Noun | Example: empowers, supports, makes, creates, manufactures, teaches, serves, etc. + product or service name (noun)
Exercise | Jot down 3-5 verbs that help describe what you do and the 1-3 noun(s) of the product or service you provide. Example: design clothing, coach business owners, etc.

3. For whom do you do it?
This is getting fun, right?! You can see the mission statement taking shape on your paper.
So far we have You + What you do + now, who do you serve?
Consider your customer. Can you sum up in a couple of words using a descriptor and noun?
Adjective(s) + Noun | Example: customers, individual, businesses, families, community, refugees, immigrants, marginalized,
Exercise | Jot down 3-5 ways to describe your customer. Example: families with young children, elderly searching for in-home care, people with a sweet tooth, etc.
4. How do you do it?
Questions 4 and 5 are my favorites because it's where the passion in your mission statement comes to life.
I want you to think deeply here about the values that you convey into your product or service offering.
HOW do YOU operate? This is what makes your business unique from every other out there.
Tell the world how you create value for your customers, satisfaction for your team and the energy and motivation required to keep striving for excellence.
Prepositions + Adverbs + Verbs | Example: with care, passionately,
Exercise | Jot down 5 words that convey emotion around your product or service. Example: passionately, with care, expertly, sustainably, with the newest methods/techniques/processes, etc.
5. Why do you do it?
What makes you and your team unlock the door and turn on the lights and machinery (computer, brains, etc) and get to work each day?
What about serving your customer excites you?
Convey this and you'll create a sense of connection with customers who will want to learn more.
Adverbs + Verbs | Example: to create a sustainable future for coming generations, to delight families celebrating milestones, to serve our wise and treasured elders, etc.
Exercise | Jot down a few ideas about why you started your business in the first place. This last question intentionally asks you to get back to the heart of your business. Enjoy this reflective time.

Mission Statement Formula
Here's a tool to use with the above questions, but also a quick way to test your mission statement.
Who (you) does/do What (verb + product/service) For Whom (your end customer) by How (verb) in order to/for Why (the reason your get to it each day) = Inspiring Mission Statement
Mission Statement Examples
You can see how I've really changed the direction of these two mission statements below.
It's so fun to see how the formula works.
I hope you'll enjoy doing your important work to give you focus and a mission statement to inspire you and your team to greatness!
Satsuma Uniform manufactures garments for education, medicine, government and industry partners through skills training for refugee and immigrant women to build economic equity and legacy development.
Satsuma Uniform is a social enterprise that builds economic equity and legacy development for women refugees and immigrants through skills training to manufacture uniforms for eduction, medicine, government and industrial clients.

Photos courtesy of Unsplash