Kids Games Tray to Teach Math, Writing and Patience
It used to be I thought the 'witching hour' was reserved for babies and toddlers who got their pull-ups in a twist in the late afternoon approaching dinner time. Of course, this still happens, but what I didn't realize is that older 'babies' suffer from the low blood sugar and evening fatigue just like their little siblings. I've tried every angle on this state of affairs and have had some success with my Kids Games Tray tactic that I wanted to share. I cobbled together some easy, fun and fast kids games that help keep the kiddos entertained as I make dinner. Choose your kids' favorite games or try these ideas that help with counting and early math skills as well as writing by keeping score. Here are some Games to include in your Kids' Games Tray:
- Strip paper from a baby food jar and add 6-8 dice to roll and count. (pull your dice from Monopoly and other games in the closet) Have each child roll dice then group into like numbers and count. Try addition and subtraction, add multiplication and division and even work on fact families: 3+2=5, 2+3=5, 5-3=2, 5-2=3...
- Yahtzee
- Deck of cards for games like: go fish, war (or as we call it Peace!), crazy eights, 7 up, cribbage, rummy, and so many more Tic-Tac-Toe
- A long string for cats cradle
- A pad of paper and a pencil or pen to keep score. Have the kids write their initial or name and keep track of scoring in whatever way makes sense to them, or you!
- Old Maid card deck
- There's a great new add to our Kids Game Tray called Fish Stix from Peaceable Kingdom. It's Dominoes meets Backgammon. Fun!