5 Easy Ways to Help Kids Write Thank You Notes

5 Easy Ways to Help Kids Write Thank You Notes

(3 minute read)

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I know I'm not alone, which is comforting, but after the stress of hosting Christmas parties, shopping, decorating, donating used toys, wrapping new toys, sending cards, receiving cards (and figuring out some artful way to display them!), I'm a little beat by the prospect of Christmas morning.

The warmth of cozy time together is unforgettable, but there are boxes to slice open, then recycle, clothing to don for Grandma's house and thank you notes to write.

I'm sharing my 5 easy ways to help kids write thank you notes to send their gratitude.

And if you're like us, you have the blessing of family near and far.

Lest I throw my hat in the ring for Mrs. Scrooge of the year, I've come up with my own proactive list to fend off this second round of holiday madness.


Here are a few tips to keep the holidays stress-free and get those kids writing Thank You notes to Uncle John write right out of the gate!

Time is of the Essence

In her 1922 tome, Etiquette (now in its 18th edition), social graces guru, Emily Post calls for thank you notes to be written within a day or two of receiving (opening) a gift.

To make your thank you note writing organized and complete, write down who received what gift from whom.

Make a list and check it twice or even three times given the potential Christmas morning chaos.

Let the kids help you take inventory on who got what. My experience tells me they will love going over all the goodies again!

Emotional Responses Tell the Story

When making a list of gifts received, jot down the child's first utterance after opening the gift, whether 'wow!', 'just what I wanted!, or 'so cool!'

Begin the thank you card with this enthusiastic response to delight the reader and set the tone of the note.

Let's Be Social

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Stock Up!

Purchase some plain white card stock note cards or white card stock to let the kiddos decorate for a custom look when they can't write their own notes.

This gives a personalized touch without the pain of having a pre or early writer pen even more than a couple of cards.

It's the Thought That Counts

For pre-writers and pre-readers, have the child sign her name and let him stamp and seal the envelope.

Snail Mail

Have children join in the fun and tradition of giving their thanks for the generosity of friends and family.

Create a ritual around this gratitude and save energy for one or two important thank you notes for Grandma and Grandpa or special loved ones from out of town.

The care that goes into a child's thank you note is lost on no one and makes a lasting impression, usually for a lifetime.

My grandmother used to remind us how much she loved our notes. It's still something that makes me smile when I think of her looking on at us from heaven each Christmas (and birthday!).

5 easy tricks to help kids write thank you notes

5 Easy Ways to Help Kids Write Thank You Notes

  1. Make thank you note writing FUN for kids by encouraging them to create original art, address and stamp the envelope, and write their own adorable 'signature'
  2. Stock up on thank you note supplies
  3. Make a list of gifts received
  4. Have children share their initial reactions to receiving a gift and jot that emotion or phrase on the gifts list
  5. Create ritual around gratitude and thank you note writing


Today is a gift. Let's put a bow on it!
Find creative and sustainable ways to make family life a delight! Sharing modern etiquette that kids will enjoy.
💕 jennifer

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