Mason Jar Lunch Pack Hack
Mason Jar Lunch Pack Hack
I have what I consider a pretty nice sized collection of Mason Jars. I use them for vases, lemonade containers, pen and pencil jars in my Satsuma studio and pretty much anywhere else I can use them. I love Mason Jars because they're sturdy, they're practical, they're utilitarian and they LAST!
I was researching back to school lunchbox shortcuts and found this mason jar lunch pack hack in a variety of forms. What some of the pins and tutorials don't mention is that you can't use any type of plastic food container for the top - you must use a fruit cup because it's the perfect size.
Here's what you'll need for your Mason Jar Lunch Pack Hack
Empty Dole fruit cup container. The applesauce and pudding containers are too small.
Short Mason Jar. You can absolutely use the taller Mason jars, but they're heavier and take up more room in kids' lunch boxes.
Any kind of protein, spread or nut butter or dip plus crackers, pita pieces, dried fruit, salami or other deli meat, cheese, veggies, fruit and whatever else your heart desires for a combo meal on the go.
Next, prepare your foods in each side of the mason jar, screw the lid on and you're ready to hit the bus stop or car pool!
Bon appetit!