5 Refreshing House Aroma Recipes
Labor day rolls around and somehow my green thumb goes black! Sad, but true. Long summer days in the yard get replaced with afternoons at the dining room table doing addition and sight words. Now I love sight words, but I do feel like I've neglected the herb patch I was so dedicated to. And now as Thanksgiving approaches, things are looking a bit bleak. Is there hope for the last of the rosemary and thyme?
Indeed there is, I just snipped the last of the little plants and whipped up a fragrant holiday aroma in 3 easy steps. I had this in a pot on the stove for 3 days and it smelled great! (note: I didn't simmer for 3 days, but was too lazy to take it off and make a new batch when my original did the job!)ย To make your own fragrant holiday aroma in 3 easy steps, do this: 1. gather your tired herbs from the yard.
I hope you haven't had your first freeze, but even so, go for it! 2. rinse the herbs and slice up a couple of lemons 3. combine herbs and lemons in a large pot 1/2 filled with water, then simmer. Please set a timer for 45 minutes so you don't forget that the stove top is on. Try these other scentsational combos for the cozy weeks ahead: Mint + Grapefruit Cranberry + Cloves Rosemary + Cinnamon Ginger + Lime Have fun!