How to Fold Origami Bats in Minutes!

Are you delighted by origami? Me too! We made hundreds of origami peace cranes in school to hang for world peace and the bug stuck. My kids came home and showed me how to fold origami bats and we now have a colony of bats ready to scare trick-or-treaters this Halloween.

By all accounts, these origami bats aren't too scary, which makes them a perfect craft for little kids. Toddlers will have a great time folding paper into festive decor. Make your bat faces as friendly or fierce as you like, but don't miss a chance to create your own colony of origami bats this Halloween. 

And if you enjoy this, then consider folding peace cranes with your kids and their classmates too. The Peace Crane Project is relatively new, launching in 2012, but the practice and sentiment behind folding origami cranes for peace has been around since the 1950s. To learn about the origins of the Peace Crane movement, read this incredible story of Sadako Sasaki, a Japanese girl with incredible spirit and hope for peace.

How to make easy origami bats instruction follows below:

Fold square in half Place fold on top, point toward you

Fold top down about 1/2 and secure crease

Fold right edge (wing) in about 2/3, NOT to center

Fold left edge in about 2/3, NOT to center

Fold right wing back out 1/4" above original wing crease. You're creating a small 'joint or hinge' for your wing to stand up and look 3 dimensional.

Repeat on left side

Use scissors to cut a short arc at top of bat to create ears (shown below)

Use chalk or white pen or pencil to create mouth, fangs and eyes.

Enjoy your spooky new friend! 

origami bats

origami bats


Today is a gift. Let's put a bow on it!
Find creative and sustainable ways to make family life a delight! Sharing modern etiquette that kids will enjoy.
💕 jennifer

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