Kids Vegan Green Smoothie Recipe
Kids Vegan Green Smoothie Recipe
Does your family gulp down breakfast smoothies like they're milkshakes? Mine do and I decided to pull a little Houdini on them and whip up this kids vegan green smoothie recipe that makes them forget they're getting their veggies. These creamy and sweet green smoothies pack protein and super-foods into a delicious form factor that will have kids (and Dad!) asking for more, please.How to make your own green smoothie that kids will love
The secret of this kids vegan green smoothie recipe is the banana. The banana in the recipe adds just the right amount of richness and creaminess to this smoothie, without the fat and cholesterol of a dairy based ingredient like yogurt, milk or ice cream. You can add lots of great additions to this recipe, but I found that they love this basic version and why mess with a good thing? Try adding frozen blueberries for a super dose of super-foods too. Substitute macadamia nuts, hazelnuts or peanuts to mix up the flavors and try adding ground flax seeds for another health benefit to this smoothie recipe too. The kids won't know how you did it, but they'll be glad you did. Enjoy!Kids Vegan Green Smoothie Recipe
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Serves: 2 large cups
5 easy ingredients plus ice blend into a superfood breakfast for kids of all ages
- 2 leaves dark green kale, ends trimmed
- 1 small or 1/2 medium banana
- 1 handful (1/4 c) unsalted raw almonds
- 1/2 cup plain, low calorie almond milk
- 1/2 cup water
- 3-4 ice cubes
- Add all ingredients into Nutribullet, blender or food processor.
- Process food into smoothie
- Pour into glasses
- Enjoy with a straw!