DIY Tea Bag Sachet

Do your linens smell like they just came off the clothes line? Neither do mine! In fact, I was a little embarrassed when our friends came to stay and realized that our guest sheets that I store in the drawer beneath our IKEA Ektorp pull out bed where a little less than fresh smelling.

Thankfully, they are good friends, but it got me thinking about how to keep that little storage area smelling clean for the times between visits. I don't use dryer sheets as I can't stand the smell or the chemicals they use.

I needed an all natural solution to keeping bed linens smelling fresh and inviting so I created this little DIY tea bag sachet to do the trick and I'm loving the speed and utility of a few household items.

These DIY tea bag sachets are great for the linen closet, kids sock drawer, bath towel storage, car console or glove box, shoe basket in the mud room - anywhere you need an all natural solution to stinky stuff!

Here's what you need to make your DIY Tea Bag Sachet

  • Tea bag or cheese cloth
  • Lavender, strong scented herbal tea or rice scented with essential oil
  • Twine or ribbon

Make your DIY Tea Bag Sachet

If using a tea bag, spoon a few Tablespoons of lavender into your tea bag, fold over the top and tie with a ribbon or twine.

If using cheese cloth, cut a 6" square of cloth, spoon in a few Tablespoons of your lavender, tea or scented rice, gather ends and tie with a ribbon or twine.

Place your DIY Tea Bag Sachet in your guest linen storage area and ensure return guests and a thank you note that shines!



diy tea bag sachet

Tags: crafty


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Find creative and sustainable ways to make family life a delight! Sharing modern etiquette that kids will enjoy.
💕 jennifer

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