How to Buy Off Registry and Stay Friends

How to Buy Off Registry and Stay Friends

I do believe that the iconic Marshall Field's department store in Chicago had it right when in 1924 they established what would become today's gift registry.

A gift registry provides an efficient way to treat parents-to-be and engaged couples with the very items they desire most. A gift registry also limits duplicate gifts and keeps beautiful accounting of who gave what, when and where to send the thank you note!

At Satsuma Kids Shop in Seattle we offer a baby registry for our guests and while we love to help our clients build a registry, we are just as often asked to help a baby shower guest find something unique and unexpected.

Wedding Registries

How to buy off registry and stay friends | guest tips | how to be a guest | wedding registry tips | baby shower registry | #babyshower #weddinggift

Go Rogue

But what to do when you've scoured the registry and none move you enough to purchase? Granted, no bride, groom or new baby is going to really hold a mis-bought gift against you (for long!), but there are a few considerations when buying off-registry.

Here are some ways to buys gifts off-registry and still remain friends with the recipients.

Buy gifts that celebrate the bride and groom's favorite hobbies. The bride might feel uneasy about putting that new stand up paddle board on the wedding registry. If you know she's been in the market for a while, pull a couple of friends together and surprise the couple! Hobby gifts are also great ways to connect the couple. Just make sure they BOTH enjoy the hobby or activity!

Give items that you love and use. One of my own favorite off-registry wedding gifts was a beautiful metal salad fork and spoon that I have quite literally used almost daily for the last 13 years. And guess, what! We're still great friends with the gift givers. 

Start a shadow registry. Are the bride and groom planning to buy a house, take an expensive honeymoon, or remodel their condo? Consider making a financial gift when you discuss surprising the pair with other friends and guests. Weddings are full of details and very few (good) surprises. It's fun to surprise the bride and groom with a generous gift that they'd never expect.



Baby Registries

Unlike wedding registries, baby registries are full of necessities to keep a little baby happy and healthy. It's hard to argue to go off registry here, but there are plenty of times when a thoughtful off-registry gift is the way to go.

Here's how to shop off baby registry and still treat the new little baby to what serves her and her parents.

Buy what you loved as a new parent. We can all agree that our best information as new parents came from trusted friends. The same is true with gifts. The item you would like to give baby and new parents might simply have missed Mom and Dad-to-be's list. 

One of my best off-registry baby shower gifts was a gift basket full of bath time essentials. The baby nail clippers I received was a game changer! I remember how nervous my husband and I were to clip our son's nails for the first time. The miniature baby nail clippers made it easy and safe! Find out how we did it as new parents.

If you're going rogue, go cute! If you decide to buy clothing, baby accessories or nursery decor, make it count and make it cute. Sometimes, hopefully most of the time, a baby gift shopper gets overwhelmed by a cute item on the shelf and must make a purchase. When you have am emotional, even physical reaction to a product, use your gut and go for it! How fun to tell the parents-to-be how excited you are to share this gift and your joy for them. 

How to buy off registry and stay friends | guest tips | how to be a guest | wedding registry tips | baby shower registry | #babyshower #weddinggift

Stay Friends!

When you opt to purchase a wedding, baby or other gift off of a gift registry, the failsafe option is to include a gift receipt.

This simple act of understanding shows gift recipients that you know you stepped out of the box, but that you love them more than your gift giving needs.

Experience shows that those gift receipts are rarely used as a gift given with love is a gift appreciated. And that's spot on!

Let's Be Social

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How to buy off registry and stay friends | guest tips | how to be a guest | wedding registry tips | baby shower registry | #babyshower #weddinggift


Today is a gift. Let's put a bow on it!
Find creative and sustainable ways to make family life a delight! Sharing modern etiquette that kids will enjoy.
💕 jennifer

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